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limit system meaning in Hindi

limit system sentence in Hindi

सीमा प्रणाली
limit    अवधि किनारा दायरा
system    सिस्टम क्रम डौल
1.In these countries the limit system has successfully helped in fishing industries.

2.These types of limit systems are called Individual fishing quota.

3.The front-side bus was criticized by AMD as being an old and slow technology that limits system performance.

4.A variable speed limit system ( National Audit Office led to wide-ranging re-assessments of the Agency's project costs.

5.This type of limit system is in place in a few countries including New Zealand, Norway, Canada, and the United States.

6.To help compensate, better imaging systems limit scintillation counting to a portion of the heart contraction cycle, called gating, however this further limits system sensitivity.

7.Hence, the reverse salient is a useful concept for analyzing technological system evolution, because often the analysis of technological systems centers on the factors that limit system development.

8.The Reversal Limit system was introduced to prevent players from reversing throughout the match, they come as minor and major ones depending on the class of the wrestler / diva.

9.Because reverse salients limit system development, the further development of the system lies in the correction of the reverse salient, where correction is attained through incremental or radical innovations.

10.ICL introduced a paging unit to the higher end machines ( 1904A, 1906A ) and a new version of the GEORGE operating system, GEORGE 4 which was compatible with GEORGE 3 but used paged virtual memory in place of the simple base / limit system of the earlier machines.

How to say limit system in Hindi and what is the meaning of limit system in Hindi? limit system Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.